Peau d’orange

Renaissance oil paintings depicted voluptuous women baring their all, cellulite included. The word itself was coined in the 1920s by French doctors, and began appearing in English language publications in the late 1960s, with the earliest reference in Vogue magazine in 1968.  By the late 1970s, cellulite was well-known in women’s circles. But in the medical community is was “so-called cellulite: an invented disease.” Today, whether cellulite is a real disease or only a disturbing aesthetic issue is still a matter of controversy. But make no mistake, whether in England, a mattress pad; France, an orange peel; or America, cottage cheese – cellulite certainly exists (pathological or not). Continue reading

Good Cholesterol?

Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women (more than all forms of cancers combined). In addition to maintaining a health weight through diet and exercise, your cholesterol levels are also important.  But not all cholesterol is created equal. Continue reading


We live in a society that freely and unapologetically objectifies women as sex objects. And yet, sex as intercourse is often treated as taboo. We bashfully whisper to friends or anonymously turn to the internet for answers. It’s no wonder so much misinformation about the female body continues to circulate in mainstream consciousness.  As we approach this deemed day of “love”, let us candidly dispel commonly held myths and revel in the blissful truths. Continue reading

Go Red!

In 2003, research revealed that heart disease was by far the No. 1 killer of women (more than all forms of cancers combined). And despite the perception that heart disease is what happens to older men, the reality is that more women die of heart disease than men. To save lives and raise awareness of this serious issue, the American Heart Association launched Go Red For Women. The red dress has become the iconic symbol of the battle against heart disease in women. Continue reading